Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Message about The BISS Think College Now Funkraiser!

Thanks to everyone who participated in the event! It was a fun evening for all who attended. Unfortunately, we did not reach our goal to at least break even on the event. I know that some of you can find it in your hearts to contribute a donation of any amount. Even 10$ will buy one book for the school!! You can still make donations by going to the Network for Good site and making a donation to Oakland Small Autonomous Schools Foundation. Be sure to type "Think College Now Funkraiser" in the Designation field. (or copy this link in your browser: )

Anything would be appreciated and would to ensure that we can do another event next year that will be bigger and better! Come on BISS is here for you every week out of the goodness of our hearts! Show your appreciation.

Thanks again for all of your participation!